HBH comprises two large halls named as Yellow Sapphire Ballroom and Blue Sapphire Ballroom.Each hall separately can accommodate 350 guests and all halls are fully air-conditioned, fully carpeted and fully curtained. Each Hall can hold two functions a day, as day and night functions and hence four functions can be held in HBH a day.
The HBH two halls have been designed to fit into a matchless difference. That is to say, they, the two halls, vary in color combinations, nestling location, Chandaleur shapes etc. Hence The wedding and the Homecoming of one and the same couple can be had, each in one hall.Therefore the profit the customer will make, shall be doubled, since for both functions, floral decors shall be gifted, by HBH, free of charge, with no cost to the couple.
HBH courteous staff has been well educated to respect the dignity of the guests and the need to ascertain the pleasure,happiness and the satisfaction of guests, via their perfection of service accomplishment